DNR permits re high-voltage transmission construction and relocation of utility facility as condition of certain general permits; sulfur dioxide compliance plan, certain DNR determinations, and certain PSC variance eliminated; PSC assessment authority; funding for energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; PSC approval of public utility contracts with affiliated interests; PSC authority re local access and transport areas for telephone service and complaints re railroad telecommunications service; exempting construction of certain electric transmission lines from PSC certification -
Act 299Emission standard for residential or commercial wood stoves: DNR prohibited from promulgating a rule or enforcing a federal regulation more stringent than standard currently in effect -
Act 303Energy efficient commercial building design: DOA to provide certification for federal tax deduction [Sec. 393p] [vetoed] -
Act 55Energy savings performance contracting revisions re water conservation and metering accuracy improvement [Sec. 1949b-q] -
Act 55Industrial wind turbines: PSC to conduct review of health studies and may propose rule changes [Sec. 9136 (1j)] -
Act 55Nuclear power plants: approval for construction requirements revised; state’s energy policy priorities modified to include -
Act 344UW Board of Regents powers and duties revised, including faculty and academic staff appointments, termination, and layoffs; EEB repealed; UW System funding provisions and financial audit required; UW--Stevens Point differential tuition; public records law re final candidates for UW System positions; ``single prime contracting" for construction projects permitted; energy conservation projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin -- Regents"] -
Act 55Agricultural chemical cleanup fund transfer to environmental fund [Sec. 9202 (1)] -
Act 55Brownfields grant program: matching requirement [Sec. 3975, 3976, 9350 (1)] -
Act 55Brownfields grant program: WEDC to consider DOA recommendations requirement eliminated [Sec. 3977] -
Act 55County and town conditional use permit process cannot impose a requirement preempted by federal or state law and cannot require interstate hazardous liquid pipeline operators to obtain insurance under certain conditions [Sec. 1922am, 1923e, 1936u-1938e] -
Act 55Development zone tax credits that expired repealed; research credit calculation modified [Sec. 850-853, 2119, 2124, 2125-2150, 2184-2186g, 2214-2221, 2247, 2248, 2254-2285, 2317-2322, 2340-2345, 2368-2399, 2433-2437, 2448-2453, 2467b, 2497-2504b, 3971b, 3998b-4001c, 4025b] -
Act 55Environmental impact statement for major highway project in Wood County required [Sec. 2551u] [vetoed] -
Act 55Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; clean water fund program and safe drinking water loan program modified, ``nonprofit noncommunity water system" replaced with ``serves a local governmental unit" [Sec. 53, 868q, 869, 1023, 3918, 4119-4183] -
Act 55Environmental remediation project on school district-owned property: funding provisions [Sec. 1006t, 2010e-2012m, 3395m, 3421r, t] -
Act 55Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: general obligation bonding authority increased; environmental fund provision [Sec. 636g, 870] -
Act 55Personal care product containing microbeads: manufacture and sale prohibitions created; over-the-counter drug and ordinance provisions -
Act 43Pollution abatement debt service: appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 640] -
Act 55Railroad crossing: certain cargo tank motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials required to stop [Sec. 4348] -
Act 55Residual contamination after a hazardous substance cleanup: requirements revised; voluntary party liability exemption created, partial cleanup provision; DOJ, DNR, and DATCP duties -
Act 204Roark, Eugene M. ``Gene”: life, public service, and contributions to conservation efforts in the state commended upon his death [SJR68] -
JR12Inheritance by a parent who abandons a minor child prohibited; “abandoned” defined -
Act 224DOR Lottery Division employees: conflict of interest exception re employment with a vendor [Sec. 4548g, r] -
Act 55Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, electronic voter registration list, absentee ballots, veteran ID cards, and proof of residency; Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified; limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds and campaign contributions for other persons established; GAB and DOT duties -
Act 261Campaign finance laws (chapter 11) revised including requiring specified entities to register with GAB and file periodic reports, contribution limits, and coordination; reconciliation provision -
Act 117Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, electronic voter registration list, absentee ballots, veteran ID cards, and proof of residency; Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified; limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds and campaign contributions for other persons established; GAB and DOT duties -
Act 261GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] -
Act 118Sale of heavy truck or trailer: state sales and use tax exemption for federal excise tax imposed on -
Act 361Inactive boards and councils repealed; assets, property, contracts, and pending matters provisions for certain councils and board [Sec. 77m, 93m, 100m, 108g-r, 120g, r, 125m, 126m, 148m-161m, 203p-211p, 222m, 247m, 254b-x, 272f, 320m, 328m, 396d-417r, 634m, 797m, 990r, 1065m, 1308k, m, 1700m, 2530v-2531w, 2724m, 2725m, 3482m, 3582r, 4109b, 4416g-4467r, 9101 (10j), (10k)] -
Act 55Literacy improvement and literacy development grants revised and authority transferred to DCF from the Governor; Read to Lead Development Council transferred to DCF from the Office of the Governor, membership revised, fund sunsetted [Sec. 65, 65b, 78-86, 88-93, 568, 568b, 720d, 723d, 811, 812, 1007, 1007b, 1031, 1031b, 1678m-s, 9406 (1q)] [65b, 568b, 720d, 723d, 1007b, 1031b, 1678m, r, s, 9406 (1q) -- vetoed] -
Act 55Automatic fire suppression systems for certain buildings on fairgrounds: DSPS requirement and enactment or enforcement of ordinance requiring prohibited if certain conditions are met -
Act 240Horse racing at local fairs and regulation of local fairs revised; DATCP and state aid provisions -
Act 207Birth parent whose rights were terminated: if deceased, DCF may disclose identity under certain conditions; procedure for biological parent to obtain identifying information about his or her child; requests for genetic or medical information about the birth parent does not require a physician’s statement, deceased birth parent and offspring is under age 18 provision -
Act 134Bone marrow or organ donation: leave from employment provisions created -
Act 345Child taken into custody: placement with parent of sibling who has legal custody of the sibling permitted; notification of relatives provision -
Act 101Children placed with temporary volunteer host families: DCF to establish plan using nonprofit volunteer programs, report required [Sec. 9106 (2e)] [partial veto] -
Act 55Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions -
Act 343GPS device or technology: placing on person's vehicle or obtaining information from the device re the person's movements without consent made a misdemeanor; exceptions provided -
Act 45Habitually truant pupil: notification to parent or guardian by first class mail and simultaneously by electronic communication permitted -
Act 52Reasonable and prudent parent standard for making decisions re participation of a child placed in out-of-home care in age or developmentally appropriate activities and permanency planning for children 14 years of age or older: incorporating federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act changes into the Children’s Code and Juvenile Justice Code -
Act 128Representation and distribution of nude child: criminal penalty exception for parents does not apply when the purpose is for sexual arousal, gratification, humiliation, degradation, or monetary gain -
Act 370School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties revised; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may consider; waiver requirement and JCF duties [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under “School – Evaluation and testing”] -
Act 55Veterans home: parent of armed forces member who died while serving is eligible to be a resident [Sec. 1458] -
Act 55Child and family support obligations: public employee income continuation insurance and duty disability benefits may be assigned for support or arrearage payments [Sec. 1401, 1473, 1782, 4252, 4605-4607, 9306 (2)] -
Act 55Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population -
Act 172Children First program eligibility criteria modified re residency -
Act 331DCF to certify to DOR delinquent payments of centralized receipt and disbursement fees owed re persons not receiving child support agency services [Sec. 1852] -
Act 55Financial institutions required to honor a notice of levy or request to enforce a lien in favor of other states re child support [Sec. 1849-1851] -
Act 55Termination of child and spousal support enforcement services by DCF [Sec. 1762m] -
Act 55Uniform Interstate Family Support Act: effective date of amendments changed -
Act 82Voluntary acknowledgement of paternity: filing fee eliminated for actions brought by certain entities [Sec. 4613] -
Act 55Agricultural loan guarantee programs administered by WHEDA revised -
Act 316Farm tractor may be operated on highway without being registered with DOT for special occasions, parade purposes, antique vehicle clubs, or occasional personal use [Sec. 4329m] -
Act 55Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle) operated or transported on highways: regulations revised re lighting, marking, width, weight, no-fee permit, sales, and definition of farm tractor -
Act 232